Water Content Determination - Rapid Moisture Meter Method

image : rapid-moisture-meter-boxRapid moisture meter method is a quick method for determining the water content of a soil sample. This method is performed by an equipment called Rapid moisture meter. It is a suitcase type portable equipment and can be conveniently used in the field.


The equipment box consists of a balance, calcium carbide bottle, a scoop, few steel balls and a metallic bottle type vessel which has a sealing cup to make it air tight and this vessel is fitted with a pressure gauge which is calibrated to produce gas pressure in the percentage of amount of water present in the total weight of soil.

image : rapid-moisture-meter-box-contents



Firstly we take some 5-6 gm of soil sample into the pan of balance. After balancing the weight we place the weighed sample into the metallic bottle. Next we insert 3 – 4 steel balls into the bottle and deposit a scoopful of calcium carbide inside the bottle. Clamp the bottle air tight and shake it for 2-3 minutes.


By this vigorous shaking both soil and calcium carbide get mixed completely and the calcium carbide reacts with the free water present in the soil sample and produces acetylene gas.

image : rapid-moisture-meter-reaction



This produced gas develops pressure into the bottle which gets notified on the gauge meter.

For this reason this test is also called Calcium Carbide Method.


image : rapid-moisture-meter-reading

Meter gives the value of percentage of amount water present in the soil sample. That is if we get the value on the meter as 4 % then that means in the soil sample 4 % is water and 96% is solids.


Lets say meter reading is wr %.

image : rapid-moisture-meter-water-content


so water content being weight of water to the weight of solids will be this.

image : water-content


image : equation-rapid-moisture-meter-water-content


And multiplied by 100 for the percentage value.

Tags : water content, Rapid Moisture Meter, soil test

Published on :2019-09-06

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